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Featured Ceremonies

Wedding Ceremony- A Union of Two Souls and their Families Wedding is the day an individual though might not say by oneself but is most excited about it. It is the day when a girl’s dream is fulfilled by stepping in a family which would love her, support her, and care for her just like her parents did. It is the day when a boy feels the happiness and security of sharing each moment of joys and sorrows with her partner. It is not just the union of two souls but a union of two families as well. It is a day when two people promise each other to extend their family neither part of the members. The joy of the bride’s family about allowing their daughter to step in a healthy and happy family is wedding all about. The joy of the groom’s family to welcome a new member in their family and making her a part of their happiness is wedding all about. Weddings in India are an elaborate celebration. It is not just a matter of a day or two, but a whole week of true celebration along with the loved and known ones of the family. […]
Naming Ceremony

Naming Ceremony- A Ritual, A Peace of Happiness A naming ceremony is a procedure or a moment where a newborn is assigned with a name. It is considered to be one of the most auspicious occasions for a child as well as the child’s family. The ceremony is known by various names in different cultures. The ceremony is celebrated like an occasion along with family and friends. It is also a way to celebrate the occasion of a newborn in the family. Various cultures have various customs and traditions to follow this vital tradition. It allows one to get the blessings of family and friends for the baby. In some religions, people also worship their respective almighty to get their blessings for a healthy and peaceful life of the child. Hence this tradition holds importance in the child’s life. It is said that a name defines the personality of a child. Therefore it is kept with lots of love and with a lot of suggestions as well. The procedure of the ceremony Baptism in Christianity, Namkaran or Namakarana Sanskar in Hinduism, Nool Kettu in Kerala, Baarsaa in Maharashtrians, Thottil in Tamilians or may it be any other caste or religion […]
House Opening Ceremony

House Opening Ceremony- A Step towards the New Journey of Life May the destination be the same since years, But the journey towards it makes it memorable always. Home is a place that makes an individual feel the soothing sense of having a shelter at one’s head. It makes a person feel relieved about the fact of having a place to express emotions, to feel supported, to make one self realize the fact of being safe and protected in a city of unknown people and emotions. Every person has a dream to decorate their home the way they wish. Some like to decorate it with flowers, some like to add an earthy feel of their rural place to their home, while some like to decorate it with memories captured in the form of pictures. Many other people wish to decorate their houses with many other things or even like to take the help or assistance of expertise in this array. But many such unfortunate people are not blessed to have their shelter. They are not blessed to feel protected or have a place of their own in a city full of unknowns and disguised people. Hence we should always be […]

Engagement Ceremony- A walk towards the stronger bond Marriage is a pure bond which is believed to not just unite two souls but also two families as well. It is one of the most awaited and beautiful days for an individual. It involves the unity of two families who are going to be tied in a knot of the everlasting relationship forever. To celebrate this auspicious day of the lives of an individual there are various other ceremonies through which an individual has to go through. All these ceremonies include another major ceremony which is performed by both the families together before the marriage known as ‘Engagement Ceremony’. An engagement ceremony is a function which can also be named as ‘Ring Ceremony’. It involves the exchange of rings between the bride and the groom to be. The function is celebrated with great pomp and zest. It is also considered as a favorable time for both the families to know each other much better and deepen their bonds. In involves the introduction of both the family members and their relatives and friends as well. Therefore it can be considered as one of the best times for both the families to unite […]

Haldi Ceremony- A Step closer to D-Day The ceremonies queued to be performed before marriage is many. Every ceremony has its importance. Every ritual performed in the ceremony has its spiritual importance. The name, rituals performed, and the meaning of the ceremony may differ from every other culture. May the ceremony be celebrated in a different form from the other culture but the whole and sole purpose of the ceremony is to bless the bride and groom for their bright and prosperous future. All the ceremonies performed before and after the marriage brings joy, happiness, and choicest of the blessings for the couple. It brings them a step closer to their final day of happiness as well as a bit closer to each other as well. The Procedure of Haldi Ceremony Let us have a look at the way how a traditional Hindu Haldi Ceremony is performed. ‘Haldi’ means turmeric in Hindi. It is considered as a sign of peace in the culture and is also considered auspicious. The ceremony involves applying a paste of turmeric, sandalwood, water, and oil to the bride and the groom in their houses respectively. In some of the cultures, it is observed that the […]
Baby Shower

Baby Shower- another happiest phase in the life of a Woman Marriage is one of the most auspicious and happiest days in life a couple. They dream of this day for many days excitedly along with their family members. There are various responsibilities to be taken care of by a wife and a husband after marriage. They have to play various roles such as husband and wife, of a daughter in law and son in law, and many such responsibilities. They are another vital and major expectation a couple is expected of, i.e. being parents to a child and blessing the family with a grandchild. Being a parent to a child is also the dream of a husband and wife. It is accounted for as one of the biggest moments in their world as well. A child is believed to complete the family. Hence it is considered as one of the biggest joys for a family. Though dreaming of a child is one of the biggest happiness for each member of the family it is also a turn of events for a husband and wife. It is a matter of preparing themselves not just physically but mentally as well. They […]
Mundan Puja

Mundan Ceremony There are many ceremonies celebrated in every tradition and culture. Every ceremony holds spiritual and holy importance. Therefore it is mandatory to carry out a ceremony in a systematic way. Though people might be aware of major ceremonies such as weddings, engagement or ceremonies in a string of a marriage there are many such ceremonies which people are still not acquainted with or do not know the accurate way to perform it. Mundan Ceremony is one of such rare ceremonies that people are not aware of. What is a Mundan Ceremony? A Mundan Ceremony is a function in which a child’s hair is shaven off for the first time. It is done as soon as the child turns one or can also be done until seven years of age. It is believed that the hair along with which a child takes birth consists of the evil eye or evil wards from the previous birth cycle of a child. Hence it is recommended to shave off the hair. Though it is the first hair cut of the child and not a huge thing to be awed of in some of the cultures it is celebrated just as the first […]
Circumcision Ceremony

Circumcision Ceremony: A way to welcome a New Life Introduction This universe is full of mysteries. A mystery can be found out anywhere. It can be hidden behind the food we eat, the houses we live, the faces we, or even the rituals or celebrations we follow. Though it might sound surprising every ritual has its meaning and is followed for a purpose we might not even know at times. Hence to know the history, facts, reasons, and many other stories of a ceremony it takes us down to the memory lane of how our ancestors used to celebrate each ritual in its traditional way. Today people might perform a ritual to follow the footsteps of our ancestors, but many of them consider it as a way to just celebrate another day in the life. Rituals bring people to close together. It makes the society aware of the various customs and traditions followed by the people living with them. Hence inviting people to our functions, serving them our traditional meal, making them acquainted with the history and the purpose of the ritual makes the bond of the society stronger and harmonious. Hence one should participate in such rituals and be […]
Thread Ceremony

Thread Ceremony- A foot towards Educational Journey India, being a diverse country there are many religions, cultures, customs, and traditions experienced here. Millions of people are diversified into various cultures and traditions. Hence our country is also known as a ‘Mini World’ into this huge globe itself. Every culture has its specifications and traditions to be followed. Every culture celebrates its festivals by following certain customs and rituals. There are various ceremonies in every culture to be followed. The main aim of these ceremonies is to bring along family and friends together to enjoy the ritual. May it be a house warming ceremony, naming ceremony, or the birth of a baby in the house people enjoy the moment along with traditionally performing the ritual. Hence ceremonies are considered to be a part of the joy. These ceremonies also bring people closer together in a joyous way. Introduction Thread ceremony embarks the beginning of the educational journey of a boy. In Hinduism, it is believed that a person is born twice, the first time a child is born when the child steps into this world, and the next time a child is born when he/she embarks their educational journey. This moment […]
Baptism Ceremony

Baptism Ceremony: A Journey of Faith Introduction Few ceremonies are performed to celebrate the occasion, whereas there are such ceremonies that might not include celebration but are performed to follow the footsteps of our ancestors and for our peace of mind. Hence it involves a completely traditional way of performing the ritual. It also helps one to give meaning to life and know the value of customs and traditions followed by our ancestors. What is Baptism? Baptism can be described as the start of the journey of one’s true faith in Jesus Christ. It is a ceremony performed in the religion of Christianity. It involves the individual accepting Christ and leaving behind the previous life which had sins and guilt. It is not restricted to an age bar and can be done the moment a child is born or even in adulthood as well. Few people believe to get their child Baptized at the age of life where they can understand the meaning of the ceremony. But few people prefer to get their child Baptized after 8 days of their birth. Hence it depends on the individual’s family to decide the time of the person being baptized. Few people believe […]
Holy Communion

Holy Communion Ceremony Every custom and tradition have their own ceremonies. Each ceremony has its spiritual importance as well. Hence one should be aware of the traditional importance of the ceremony. The moment a human takes birth until the moment the individual leaves for heavenly abode there are numerous customs and traditions one celebrates and enjoys its spiritual healing as well. In the same way, Christians have one such vital ceremony to be celebrated known as ‘Holy Communion’. It is believed that communion can be practiced at any stage of life. Practicing communion helps one to get closer to Jesus Christ and feel his holy presence. It is believed that this ceremony involves inviting Jesus in one’s heart and makes the heart pure and free from all sins. It is said that once Jesus was having supper with his 12 disciples where he shared a piece of bread with all by saying abbreviating it as this is my body and shared wine by abbreviating that this is my blood. Hence it is considered as one of the purest forms of service to humankind. Therefore communion also helps a person to reside Christ in one’s heart. How is Holy Communion Celebrated? […]